Routine Services
Diagnostic Services
Chiropractic Care
Equine Acupuncture
Reproduction & Surgery
Emergency & Other Services
At Large Animal Medical Associates we perform thorough physical examinations to help evaluate your animal’s health. We will assess the body condition and overall health of your animal, as well as take the time to educate you on any conditions or abnormalities that may be noted during the exam. We will also consult with you on any concerns you may have about your animal’s health, behavior or general care. We strongly recommend yearly physical exams so any disease processes can be prevented or detected early. Examinations are by appointment, but we make every effort to fit your schedule. We offer appointment hours Monday through Friday 9 am – 4 pm. Please call with any questions or to set up an appointment.

Dental care is a critical part of animal health management. Each stage of an animal’s life presents new challenges in dental and oral health. Large Animal Medical Associates works with you to maintain your animal’s oral and dental health. Because, as in people, each animal is an individual with individual needs, LAMA treats each animal as such, and modifies oral health plans accordingly.

A lameness can be the result of soft tissue injury, changes in bone, bone injury, or even infectious diseases, such as Lyme Disease. In any instance, Large Animal Medical Associates is equipped to perform an in-depth examination in order to pinpoint the problem area(s). With our portable radiographic and ultrasonographic capabilities, we can provide you, the owner, with as much information as possible to allow you to make informed decisions about treatment and therapeutic options. We have different levels of lameness evaluation for every situation to help meet you and your animal’s specific needs.

Purchasing an animal can be an investment. Because we recognize that, Large Animal Medical Associates works with you to help you make an educated decision when purchasing an animal. We include a thorough physical examination, checking the animal from head to toe. Based on the examination, we will make recommendations pertaining to any additional diagnostic steps such as blood-work, or drug screening that can help identify other issues that may affect your purchase. We evaluate the soundness of the animal, and can tailor an exam to best meet your needs. If an animal’s purpose is reproduction, Large Animal Medical Associates will perform a reproductive evaluation. Using our portable diagnostic resources, we are able to perform soft tissue and reproductive ultrasounds, as well as take radiographs at the time of the prepurchase examination to provide you with timely information and results.

A newborn animal receives immunity from their mother’s milk. But, as the immunity wears off as they get older, a young animal needs to receive a series of vaccines as a preventative to help bolster their immunity. The series of vaccines are given based on
up-to-date recommendations made for each animal’s age and species. For more in depth information on vaccinations for different animals please see the vaccine recommendations we have established under “Health Topics”. Our vaccine protocols are based on the incidence of diseases in our area, the effectiveness of each vaccine, and the state requirements. LAMA keeps up to date with current vaccine topics and disease trends to provide you, the owner, with the most current information pertinent to your animal’s well-being.